"The poorest, the weakest, the simplest child, is born for immortality. This value outweighs the entire material universe, no matter how small a mark this child makes on it. The tiniest infant owns a deathless intellect, and is as immortal as the Father of spirits. No one can tell what this child will become."

~ A Prebyterian Pastor who died in 1873

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

~ (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Look Back

I have avoided this post for the longest but I cannot avoided any longer, as the post to follow will be of my actual 1 year old son. I may have to write a little at a time and let it sit, mainly because it's hard to type through tears.

I believe the most overwhelming part is the fact you are no longer nor will ever be again a "baby", I am not sure where to begin my story to you. I have struggled with where to begin and what to leave out and what not to leave out... (mainly WHAT to leave out.) So as a warning this may be completely out of order but the main thing to remember is it is all documented very perfectly in your baby book, scrapbook and pictures. Hold on because this has all the makings of being the longest post EVER.

The very first thing I recall about becoming pregnant were the days I would literally fall asleep at my desk, I mean yes I have always loved my sleep but this was different it was like something had taken over my body (which that "something" was you) and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I complained to my doctor, to which I was given every test a doctor could order from Mono to Strep and a sleep study was actually suggested. The ONE test they missed, however was the pregnancy test. This all transpired around December 2007 and I had actually taken a test because the thought had crossed my mind but it was negative.

The constant sleepiness seemed to only be satisfied by the weekends I would start sleeping on Friday's that your dad was traveling and it seemed like I didn't wake up until Sunday when he returned. Following this was my constant craving for Chili's Buffalo Fajitas, they were close to work and I'm not kidding. They were summoned 3 times a week, it started with me only being able to eat two and within a month I recall completing all 4 fajitas! Next came the flu like symptoms, to which I took Alkaselzer Cold and Flu (FREAKED me OUT once I had made a list of what I had taken within the last 3 months upon my Dr's request.) Finally, what pushed me to break down and get yet another pregnancy test was the day I got Chili's usual and could only eat the chips I couldn't even bare to look at the fajita's, I knew something wasn't right at that very moment.

I took a pregnancy test in March (4th to be exact) and that was the day our life would change forever. Your dad had no idea I was taking one, I didn't want to alarm him over nothing. But after I saw the plus sign I said to myself very quietly, "I'm Pregnant!" Your dad was on the phone with work and it seemed like I waited an eternity but once he finally hung up I showed him the test and said "your going to be a dad" and "we are going to be parents." We didn't know whether to laugh, cry, jump up and down.. (hm? can you jump up and down while your pregnant?) It's funny because the DAY after we found out was when my morning sickness began, which makes me wonder if it was all in my head :)

It was a Tuesday and I couldn't get an appointment with the Dr. until the next Wednesday and it seemed to never get here. When it did, the doctor had told us to expect our little bundle around November or early December. After about a week, I wasn't feeling right and we found ourselves back at the Dr. this time to make sure all was well he did an ultrasound. We were expecting to see a little peanut and we were blown away when we saw your little legs, arms, belly, everything. It was there and so perfect! We even found out you were going to be a boy, I was in fact 3-4months pregnant and you were coming in September. This was all within 2 weeks of finding out I was pregnant, in a way we were so lucky... we never had to wait and wonder.

I went from being perfectly normal, to not fitting in my clothes, to being HUGE and it all happened so fast. Quickly came the days that I would moan and groan, struggle with sleep, pray that you would get out from under my ribs and repeat the phrase "I just want him out, I cannot do this much longer."

August was the WORST... it was so hot and I was so close to delivery, I prayed every night that you would find your way out soon. The last visit to the Dr. I cried and I believe I threatened him with handcuffing myself to his table if he didn't get you out as soon as possible. I know I was making everyone around me miserable but I didn't care. The Dr. went quickly before he even checked YOUR progress to checked HIS schedule. He told us if I was dilated at all (which I was 1 cm) that even though it was Labor Day the coming Monday, and they weren't supposed to schedule inductions on a holiday, he would be on call and I was to come in that very morning and tell them my water broke. It was sneaky, it was sly, it was going to get you out and I loved it!

Monday morning, September 1st 2008, Labor Day. After a sleepless night and your dad's "last night of good sleep." We went to the hospital and everything went as planned we were there by 7:45 in a room by 8 and in labor with an epidural by 9:30. The nurses were great until I found out (a little too late) my epidural was in fact not working. While I was pushing and crying (due to the pain.) The nurse looked at me and said "Whitney, why exactly are you crying?" This lady had managed to drop herself from the very top of my Christmas list to almost losing her front two teeth by whoever could get to her first between Stuart and I. So after hours of labor you made your debut at 6:52 pm, beautiful and perfect.

Your hair was jet black and your lips pouty and red. You were 6lbs 3oz and were 19in long. You were the only baby on the whole floor for a day or two and the nurses said you were so good and hardly cried. (You would wait until we arrived home to try out your vocal chords.) After you were rushed to the nursery, cleaned off, and all the test ran that needed to be ran, you were brought to our room around midnight and the second they brought you in I began to cry, it was like the wind was knocked out of me. I guess you could say you took my breath away. To me it was the very second I became your mother and you my son and us a family.

I would only have this feeling one more time and that came when we pulled up to our house, my breath was taken and my lip quivered. Here you were... home. The home you would grow, play and be loved in. The home where the days would seem endelss but somehow fly by, to your day... your First Birthday.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

(Sadly) The Circus Is In Town

Jack will be having his 1st birthday party Sunday at his Grandmother and Papa's house. We will be having cake and ice cream at 3pm. This will be a day of mixed emotions for me, but I am so thankful we made it through our first year, with a healthy, happy baby boy!

There are two invitations because I picked the first one up at TJ Maxx while I was pregnant, they were too cute to pass up. Unfortunately, we only had 8 so I had to order another set from the Paper Chase.

Are You Ready???


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jack is Officially One of THEM!

We did it! We actually did it!... After months of waiting, along with a few miscommunications on my part, I got a call Friday that Jack has been accepted into Church Street Academy Preschool!

(As for the miscommunication part I feel I must elaborate... I may or may not have gotten Decatur Baptist and First Baptist confused when we initially signed him up at 6 weeks old. So as a result the people at First Baptist may or may not be looking for him on their first day of school as well.) Oops!

When we got the call that he was in at DECATUR baptist I was so excited (seeing as I thought it was FIRST Baptist) you get the theme... So I set up a walk through of the school and as a result we found ourselves at First Baptist at 3:30 on a Monday, while they were locking up. Fortunately, the secretary was there and wasn't quite sure WHO I had talked to but she hesitantly gave us a tour.

So the point is: We have toured (be it officially or unofficially) the REAL school Jack will attend and are more than happy with its accommodations. Also, now you know why we have waited MONTHS. Like I said Oops!

Confirmation came in the mail soon after the phone call I had waited so long for:

My cousin Haley (whom has two children that attend) has spoke so highly of Ms. Connie and Ms. Kasa, I believe William had them and they recieved nothing but RAVE reviews. I wouldn't expect anything less! Everyone I (by "I" I mean Haley) know goes to this preschool... and now we are so there!
It is conveniently located at the end of our street:

All these sweet babies will finally be in school together, I am so happy for that. I want them all to be close and grow up together and what better time to start than now.
Sarah Laine: will be in 3-B class, with Ms. Valerie and Ms. Sara

William: will be in the 1-B class, with Ms. Sharon and Ms. Sara

Jack: will be in baby-B class, with Ms. Connie and Ms. Kasa

Jack will be driving his danger cart to and from school on MWF from 8:30-12:30. We found him the PERFECT parking place, we are working with the school to have the sign changed from "Guest" to "Jack's"
We are still undergoing negotiations!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Concert In The Park PartII

Monday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked down to the concert in the park. Of course I have the same picture of Jack looking at the water and the same video or in this case videos of Jack dancing. This trip however had a little more to offer than the last, like new friends, Jack pushing the danger cart and a granny with her subway and Coors Light... Don't worry of course I got the picture! (One thing I have learned while blogging is you've gotta have proof of such things otherwise they maybe deemed unbelievable.)

As promised, this is what I was referring to by this trip having a little more to offer: For lack of a better term we shall call her "Granny"

And HERE is "Granny's" Coors Light!
Quote from Stuart: "Wow, tap the rockies granny, tap the rockies!"
I hope you are all aware of how ILLEGAL this is!

Stuart and Jack waiting on the train...
I shall preface these pictures by stating: This was truly a lesson learned experience, that neither Stuart nor I will ever make the mistake of repeating.

Here comes the train, we could hardly wait for Jack to see his first train!

What we didn't expect was how HORRIBLY LOUD the train would be, Jack screamed in horror (rightfully so, I think I screamed even louder on the inside! But managed to keep it together for Jack, and the fact we only had a few diapers with us and none of which would have fit me.)
This picture was taken after we turned him away from the train and he had just stopped screaming. So for those of you looking for birthday gift ideas.... I'd say trains are out of the question! (I'm seriously considering taking back the train table we got him!) It was that bad.

After we recovered and regained our hearing...

We met friend number 1...

Stuart met Chris Looney who had his little boy named John Ashton with him, he approached Stuart to comment on Jack's danger cart, he pointed out that our boys had the same initials, also they were born 30 days apart! We had good conversation and it was neat comparing how the two have advanced so differently. We look forward to seeing them again next Monday!

(I ALMOST offered up my cricut cutting skills to them by suggesting I cut his initials out of vinyl like Jack's, if they wanted to get their son a danger cart, but then I came to my senses and realized that as the QUEEN of project quiting it would be in my best interest not to promise the production nor completion of ANY project.)

Jack and John Ashton... Friend number 2!
(also pictured is an unknown boy who taunted Jack with his ball, I suppose I will give him the title (although undeserving) of Jack's friend number 3.)

Videos for you enjoyment:

Meeting a possible candidate for friend number 4... but dad intervened!

*NOTE*: There WILL be an update to this post of a video of Jack pushing his danger cart, I was unable to load it at home and didn't bring it to work. It will be up ASAP tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rachel Ray: Chicken Parm Pizza

I have discovered a new family favorite, it is a Rachel Ray recipe called Chicken Parm Pizza, if you want to print it out just click the link, but mine is better because I love to cook with pictures to assist and that's what I try to do when I post a recipe.

(Missing is the chicken, it was already in the pan when I remembered to take the photo.)
1 store bought pizza dough (best place to get it is at the publix bakery)
Cornmeal or flour, for dough
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (2 turns of the pan plus a drizzle)
1 pound ground chicken (Yuck! I used regular chick breast and cut them up)
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
Salt and pepper
Handful flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Couple pinches crushed red pepper flakes
Couple pinches dried oregano
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (They were out so I bought a cheese with an equally hard double-name and it was great)
1 1/2 cups shredded provolone (Not my fav so I meant to use mozzarella but picked up swiss by mistake and it was still good with swiss)
5 to 6 leaves basil, torn or shredded (HA! misread as "BAY LEAF" so that is what you see in the final picture but don't worry bc I took them off before we dug in, I was not about to eat a bay leaf.)

Step 1: roll out your pizza dough, using flour or cornmeal so help the stickiness. Roll to about a 14" circle, I just went for the size of my pizza stone.

Step 2: Drizzle with olive oil and poke holes in it randomly, then bake at 425 for 10 min.

Step 3: Sprinkle half of each cheese all over the pizza after it is done baking for the initial 10 minutes. I felt like half was too much so I just eyed it.

Step 4: In a deep pan combine the chicken pieces, olive oil, onion, garlic, season with salt and pepper. Cook on medium heat.

Step 5: Cook until it looks like you like it, and the chicken is fully cooked.

Step 6: Add tomato sauce, parsley, red pepper flakes, and oregano to the chicken mixture and cook together for 5 to 6 minutes. Heat the sauce through.

Step 7: Pour chicken mixture over the cheese covered dough, spread it around evenly, and add both of your cheeses evenly to the top.
Step 8: Return to oven and bake 10-12 minutes until bubbly and golden.
Step 9: Top the finished product with BASIL (NOT BAY LEAVES), cut and serve.
Stuart is quoted as saying "This puts anything Mellow Mushroom could make to shame." By the way Mellow Mushroom is his most favorite restraunt! So it was quite the complement. Also it combined 2 of his favorite foods, pizza and chicken parmesan.
It's all about presentation!!!

Family August and September Birthdays

Friday night we spent the evening at Aunt Linda and Uncle Mikes' to celebrate the August and September birthdays. (All except Jacks' and his will be the big 1 year so he will have his first by himself on August 30th.)

We had a wonderful time with good food, good company, and had a great time watching the babies play.

Here are the birthday honorees:

Uncle Mike, Sarah Laine, and Sophie

Here is a picture of the cousins together, this is the second time we have had their picture all together, the first time being Easter.

(Click the word "Easter" above to go straight to the post.)

From left to right: William, Jack, Sarah Laine, and Afton

Lamp Post Front Page News

Stuart Lamp with USA Cycling has hired a new up and coming employee, actually he will become more of a Union for the company and a spokesperson for Stuart. Any complaints will now be directed straight to Mr. Jack Avery Lamp. We are excited about the addition of a Union to USA Cycling. We are hoping Mr. Lamp can adjust quickly and "put out fires" on the work front. We also expect Stuart to be less stressed and frazzled when his wife returns home from work each day.

When asked for a statement from Mr. Jack he replied, "Daaa da, dink?, ancie, and sssssssss" (we were unable to decipher the last comment but it sounded somewhat like a snake, followed by a trail of slobber.)

Welcome Mr. Jack, welcome!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

No Flakes Here!

Okay so maybe this post is more of a confession/apology. Here it goes... UGH Stuart, I am sorry I made fun of the shampoo you choose to use and speak so highly of. There, now that that is over I shall explain:

Stuart uses Head and Shoulders, which we have had many dialogues about why he uses it when he doesn't have dandruff, and how blah the bottle makes our shower look, yadda yadda. OH also, I MUST add he doesn't even use the normal Head and Shoulders. He uses the ICKY 2 in 1 shampoo + conditioner.

Ever since I have been buying shampoo I have always heard how HORRIBLE it is for your hair, and plus how greasy it can make it. And this fact is in at least ONE beauty magazine a month, I swear. It's like a known fact and probably in our history books in high school, but I can't confirm that because I wasn't much of the studying type. Anyway, you get it... it is bad, bad, BAAAAAD for your hair!

One thing about me, which is the same thing my mom hates about me. Is I like options, I mean I can't have my hair smelling the same everyday, I would get even more bored because well folks when you work in a cube some days smelling your hair can be thrilling! So in order to fulfil those self made demands I happen to have more than one... well more than two actually (this IS a confession so I must be honest here.) different bottles and brands of shampoo with the matching conditioner because it would be a beauty SIN to use one brand of shampoo with a different brand of conditioner and I just don't think I could live with myself, once I decide on a scent I go all the way, there is no mixing and matching of scents here.

Anyway on to the confession, one day I realized I was a little bored with my options, so yes I did it! I used the ICKY Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo + conditioner and here is my report:

I have now used it a total of 3 times and I can report EVERY TIME I've used it I have had the BEST hair days EVER, I'm talking the great hair you get only when you're pregnant. The same hair by the way, that takes 4 MONTHS to fall out in annoying globs. Also, I cannot STOP smelling my hair it smells WONDERFUL. Plus, another upside as bad as I hate to admit this TECHNICALLY you ARE using the coinciding conditioner to the shampoo so there is no mixing of scents.

So yes I used Stuarts Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo + conditioner that he uses even though he doesn't have dandruff, the same shampoo I made fun of him for and yes I enjoy it, not enough to use everyday but I did enjoy it. And HEY at least I know for sure I don't have flakes now.

Another One Bites the Dust: And How To Get Over It

Considering I've been married for 2 plus years I might not be the one you would expect to give relationship advice well dating advice, but seeing as though I somehow made it though college also known as the hell that is trying to find the "one" and feeling as if time is running out even though you are 22, there was a time I needed to take my OWN advice, this post is acting as the self-help guide I used myself, and maybe it will help some loved ones when going through a rough break-up. The following is a step-by-step guide to getting over your ex and how to get on with your life:

1. Breaking News: we make ourselves WAY too accessible. How, do you ask? I shall count the ways... We now have the following ways of scaring off a guy: e-mailing, texting, stalking, drive-bys, FB messaging, calling, coming on too strong, etc. Here's a tip to counteract these atrocities from happening:

Fall off the face of the earth! (Not literally that would hurt and I believe a man by the name of Columbus once proved it to be impossible.) So the easiest way to do this is to block his calls, don't EVER go somewhere where you could possibly have access to a drink or two and "accidentally sit on your phone wrong which in turn accidentally dialed his number." We referred to this as drunk dialing in college and it is so not cool, don't get on Facebook PERIOD facebook is the DEVIL, SATAN, BEELZEBUB while going through a break up. Be a mystery to him. Do NOT call him. Even if you think you want him to catch you out, find yourself a hiding place but don’t hide in a room. Go out, hide right in front of the exes face without him ever knowing. Don’t worry, his friends might see you, and they will be sure to let him know you were there but by the time he looks…like a thief in the night, you are gone!.

2. Delete anything from your history with him. Pictures, gifts, clothing, whatever. How will you possibly move on when you have a constant reminder of him smacking you in your face every time you get up out of bed to get more tissues? Never underestimate the power of lighter fluid and fire when cleansing one’s memory. Please no burning of the actual ex or any property valued over $50. Bad exes and fire are no reason to win jail time for arson.

3. My favorite and what I feel is the most important, make an "over it" CD. In fact my friend Rachel took this idea in college and ran with it, she used the same title but I believe by the time she graduated she was up to volume 6. Anyway I digress what is an "over it" CD you ask? I will tell you. It is a CD that empowers you and maybe even makes you shed a tear over the loser who hurt you. I have had a few in the past that were basically made up of guy bashing, anger provoking (bc in this situation anger is your friend, as long as it is not acted upon.) music. I'm sure you're asking yourself: what you should put on this CD, and lucky for you, I've made a recent one for my sister (who is doing AWESOME by the way through this whole thing, may I add.) and I recommend the following: *
1. You’re A Jerk (a new rap song)(I just liked the title mainly)
2. K.Clarkson- Since you’ve been gone
3. Beyonce- Irreplacable
4. D.Chicks- Long Way Around (youtube it it’s so good)
5. B. Spears- Womanizer (could NOT leave that one out)
6. C.Simon- You’re so vein (CLASSIC)
7. C.Crows- You can’t count on me (youtube it PERFECT lyrics)
8. P.Simon- 50 ways to leave your lover (haha I HAD to)(Comic relief at the least... get off the bus Guss)
9. P.Collins- In the air tonight (mainly bc it says if I knew you were drowning I would not lend a hand, and he wrote it about his ex so it seemed fitting)
10. D.Chicks- Not ready to Make Nice (Loves it)
11. O.Republic- Apologize (Cliché maybe and teeny bopperish but very good lyrics and plus I like it)
12. E.Clapton- Promises (starts with "I don’t care if you ever come home bc I don’t love you and you don’t love me and then something about being fine and then it says bc I don’t like your friends and you don’t like mine. Bc that was very true in the last situation) anyway great song 13. T. Swift- Just another picture to burn
14. T.Swift- Cold as you (oh man I was iffy about it thought it would make her sad however the lyrics are RIGHT on with their relationship so at the least she can cry it out to this song, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I LOVE IT and I love Taylor)
15. Rhianna- Take A Bow
DISCLAIMER: Neither myself or this website will be held responsible for whatever emotions incur after listening to the songs listed above. I made myself a copy and listened to it this morning and let me tell you it took from home to work to get me over Zach, I mean what did I ever see in him??? SEE! How effective some powerful lyrics can be?
4. Give yourself time to heal.. a few days.. but then get out and get on with your life. Stay busy and keep your mind off of jerkface, whomever he may be at the time. Everyday you wake up it will be easier, ALL wounds heal! (Except maybe those that require metal plates and screws you hear about and those are ruff I'm sure, but still THEY HEAL) Don't forget if they managed to get Humpty Dumpty's fat A** back together then SERIOUSLY get up, fix your mascara, put your skinny jeans on (I prefer my Seven for all mankind) but each to his own, and PUT YOURSELF BACK TOGETHER!
5. ONLY If necessary, go talk to a therapist. I never did during situations as such but I do realize some don't bounce back as easy and plus your friends and family can only take so much sulking. (Unless it's a sister and as exhausting as it is, they will continue to pump you up as long as it deems necessary) Plus, getting to talk about yourself for an hour can always be fun.
6. Be your own best friend. Seriously, who is cooler than yourself? No one. At least, I think so. And who doesn't want to date a confident and hot girl? And NOTHING makes a girl hotter than CONFIDENCE!
7. Realize that you and your ex are NOT getting back together. Stalking, drive-bys, unnecessary texting will only push him further away. And not that I condone even EVER thinking about being friends until at least 2 years have past, but one day you may be friends and also, remember to NEVER burn bridges because honey he may have some hot friends on the other side of his bridge and as my sister Andrea said guys don't think TWICE about screwing each other over, no matter how close they may seem.

To who this blog is dedicated, I cannot WAIT to see what is in store for you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

One Small Step for Jack, Another Moment Missed for Stuart

Stuart is out of town this whole week on business until Sunday and it just so happens that he is the one who gets up with Jack at night {seeing as we have an 11 month old who STILL will not sleep through the night... any suggestions would be appreciated!} anyway, he started his nightly ritual because when I was breast feeding I was too exhausted to get up with Jack every night and after my wonderful mom who stayed and helped us for weeks and weeks left Stuart, being the great husband he is told me that could be his full time duty, plus he works from home so it’s not like he had to wake up and get ready for work, he could work in his pj's. ANYWAY, so when Stuart told me he would be gone for a week at the beginning of August I was a little nervous, that maybe I wouldn’t hear him since my mommy radar typically doesn’t work anymore at night because, well... that is Stuarts' job.

So I would like to report the past 2 nights I have heard not one peep from the little man, he sleeps from 8pm until I wake him up at about 6:30am. I called Stuart this morning to gloat… (I mean give him the nightly report) and he is so jealous it’s not funny. I think it is hilarious because Jack wakes up sometimes up to every 45 minutes when Stuart is home and Stuart never fails to produce mad tossing back of the sheets and followed by some explicit language on occasion.

UPDATE: Night 3 did not go as well, but it's just a minor derailing from our stellar sleeping streak.

But ALSO, and the most exciting report of this post... well let me begin with the last time Stuart went out of town on business, Jack decided to start crawling. By the time Stuart got home Jack was crawling so much he crawled straight to the door to meet him. I told him I had been working ALL week long non stop with him and of course he was a little jealous that he missed it. But hey I missed him rolling over for the first time, which he decided to do while I was at work one day, but that's beside the point there is no competition here, but if there was I would be winning (Mwahahaha... (evil laugh) )

WELL… THIS trip Jack decided to start walking! He takes a few steps and gets so excited he flails his arms, like his mom at a sale at Anthropologie, which then makes him fall down. So if I could just get him to keep his composure over his major feat he will be walking to meet Stuart when he comes home Sunday. (Or actually hopefully not because Stuart won't be home until 1 am and THAT would break our good sleeping streak.) But theoretically if he were coming home at a decent hour THEN Jack would be walking to him.

I thought it was pretty funny that every time Stuart is gone Jack, for one, sleeps through the night but also that he tends to reach upcoming milestones. Hmmm, maybe I should kick Stuart out more often, I may have Jack doing quantum physics by his birthday.

Here it is... my proof!